Portland Arts & Technology High School is a proud member of Maine's network of career and technical education (CTE) schools.
PATHS is greater Portland’s career and technical education (CTE) high school. Maine’s CTE schools are centers for hands-on, technical education and career-focused programs. Today's CTE programs (previously known as vocational) prepare students for a wide range of high-skill, high-wage, high-demand careers. Students have the opportunity to attend PATHS to learn a career pathway of their choice while still in high school.
Students attend PATHS for two years during 11th and 12th grade. PATHS is not a full time high school and students still attend their primary partnering school for half of their day to earn their core academic credits. Students attend one PATHS program during their two years at PATHS during one of two sessions: 8:00-10:30 or 11:00-1:30.
Students will graduate with a high school diploma from their sending school while potentially having obtained a national certification and college credit in the field of their choice. Our programs offer articulation agreements and dual enrollment agreements with area community colleges that will enable you to graduate from high school with college credits. Programs also offer the chance to receive national certification in their industry area, which will give you a leg up on job competition. Please visit individual program pages to see what college credits and certifications are available.